报 告 人:李建新 教授 (国家杰青、长江特聘),南京大学
In this talk, I will firstly introduce the Mott insulator and Mottness, quantum spin liquid and non-Fermi liquid behavior in strongly correlated systems.
Then, I will report on our recent exploration of a chiral Z3quantum spin liquid in kagome Heisenberg model under a magnetic field. It exhibits the 1/9 magnetization plateau which is consistent with experimental observations in kagome magnets YCu3(OH)6+xBr3−xand YCu3(OD)6+xBr3−x. I will also report on a theoretical finding of two pseudogap states with Fermi arc and Fermi pocket in the triangular moir´e Hubbard model, which is suggested to be applied to twisted transition metal dichalcogenides. These pseudogap phases, as proximate states of the Mott insulator, are elaborated to be non-Fermi liquids resulting from intrinsic strong correlations.
李建新,南京大学物理学院教授。1993年于武汉大学获博士学位。先后在台湾中研院物理研究所、美国加州大学伯克利分校从事一年访问研究。2005年获国家杰出青年科学基金。2009-2011年受聘为教育部长江学者特聘教授。主要从事强关联电子系统、量子磁性以及非常规超导物理的理论研究。现兼任国务院学位委员会物理学科评议组成员,《物理学报》和Chinese Physics B副主编,Fundamental Research数学物理副主编等。