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学术讲座第八十八讲:Bridging inflation and reheating: chiral gravitational waves from aHz to GHz


报告题目:Bridging inflation and reheating: chiral gravitational waves from aHz to GHz

报  告 人:付成杰 博士,安徽师范大学





In this talk, I will present our recent findings on chiral gravitational wave (GW) signals generated from inflation to reheating, driven by a parity-violating (PV) term coupled to the inflaton. During inflation, the PV term reduces the sound horizon for right-handed circularly polarized GWs, and amplifies their power spectra relative to left-handed GWs. At CMB scales, these chiral GWs induce BB as well as non-vanishing EB and TB correlations in CMB, which are potentially detectable by LiteBIRD. During reheating, subhorizon modes undergo tachyonic instability, leading to fully circularly polarized GWs with enhanced amplitudes, detectable through the resonant cavity experiment. The absence of backreaction effect of enhanced chiral GWs imposes constraints on the energy scale of the PV term, the inflationary potential, and the reheating history. Our findings highlight the potential of multi-frequency GW experiments to offer a unique probe of the parity violation and early Universe.


付成杰,安徽师范大学物理与电子信息学院讲师。2020年博士毕业于湖南师范大学,2020年至2022年在中国科学院理论物理研究所从事博士后研究,2022年进入安徽师范大学工作。研究方向为引力理论与宇宙学,主要从事随机引力波背景和暴胀宇宙学等研究。在Phys. Rev. D,JCAP等学术期刊发表论文18篇,总引用600余次。