王梦杰,男,博士。分别于2007年、2010年获得中南大学学士学位、湖南师范大学硕士学位。2010年9月出国,在葡萄牙从事引力理论、黑洞物理等方面的学习研究工作,期间获得葡萄牙阿威罗大学(University of Aveiro)、波尔图大学(University of Porto)、米尼奥大学(University of Minho)联合颁发的物理学博士学位(IDPASCandMAP-FISprogrammes)。2016年9月回国从事星空平台,星空(中国)工作。
I am interested in every aspects of gravitation theory, including black hole physics, gravitational waves, and cosmology.
Currently I am mainly focusing on the interactions between black holes and fundamental fields.
Linear algebra
[1] Maxwell perturbations on Kerr-anti-de Sitter: quasinormal modes, superradiant instabilitiesand vector clouds
M.Wang,Carlos Herdeiro
Phys. Rev. D93 (2016) 6, 064066 (arXiv:1512.02262)
[2] Maxwell perturbations on asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes: generic boundary conditions and a new branch of quasinormal modes
M.Wang, Carlos Herdeiro, Marco O. P. Sampaio
Phys. Rev. D92 (2015) 12, 124006 (arXiv:1510.04713)
[3] Superradiant instabilities in a D-dimensional small Reissner-Nordström-anti-de Sitter black hole
M.Wang,Carlos Herdeiro
Phys. Rev. D89 (2014) 8, 084062 (arXiv:1403.5160)
[4] Hawking radiation for a Proca field in D-dimensions II: charged field in a brane charged black hole
M.Wang,Marco O. P. Sampaio, Carlos Herdeiro
Phys. Rev. D87 (2013) 4, 044011 (arXiv:1212.2197)
[5] First law of thermodynamics in IR modified Horava-Lifshitz gravity
M.Wang,Jiliang Jing, Chikun Ding, Songbai Chen
Phys. Rev. D81 (2010) 8, 083006 (arXiv:0912.4832)
[6] Second-order phase transition of Kehagias-Sfetsos black hole in deformed Horava-Lifshitz gravity
M.Wang,Songbai Chen, Jiliang Jing
Phys. Lett. B695 (2011) 401-404 (arXiv:1012.0645)
[7] Boundary conditions for Maxwell fields in Kerr-AdS spacetimes
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D25 (2016) 9, 1641011
[8] Is Hawking temperature modified by the quantum tunneling beyond semiclassical approximation
M.Wang,Chikun Ding, Songbai Chen, Jiliang Jing
Gen. Rel. Grav. 42: 347-357, 2010
[9] Marginal scalar and Proca clouds around Reissner-Nordström black holes
Marco O. P. Sampaio, Carlos Herdeiro,M.Wang
Phys. Rev. D90 (2014) 6, 064004 (arXiv:1406.3536)
[10] Hawking radiation for a Proca field in D-dimensions
Carlos Herdeiro, Marco O. P. Sampaio,M.Wang
Phys. Rev. D85 (2012) 2, 024005 (arXiv:1110.2485)
[11] n-DBI gravity, maximal slicing and the Kerr geometry
Flavio S. Coelho, Carlos Herdeiro,M.Wang
Phys. Rev. D87 (2013) 4, 047502 (arXiv:1301.1070)
[12] Particle energy and Hawking temperature
Chikun Ding,M.Wang,Jiliang Jing
Phys. Lett. B676 (2009) 99-104 (arXiv:0904.4329)
2013:Chinese Government Award for outstanding self-financed students abroad(国家优秀自费留学生奖学金)
This award is attributed to Chinese students abroad not funded by the Chinese government,and distinguishes
annually no more than 500 Chinese students all over the world
For more information:http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/ce/cept/chn/whjykj/t1158174.htm
2012:Full PhD scholarship SFRH/BD/51648/2011, funded by FCT-IDPASC programme, Portugal
2012:Outstanding thesis award for master degree of Hunan Province