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吕齐放 副教授














1. 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,2023JJ40421,重味奇特强子态的夸克模型研究,2023/01-2025/12,在研,主持

2. 湖南省教育厅科学研究重点项目,21A0039,重味重子质量谱和衰变性质的相对论夸克模型研究,2021/09-2024/09,在研,主持



5.国家自然科学基金大科学装置联合基金 U1832173,BESIII上Λ超子激发态和赝标粒子的理论和实验联合研究,2019/01-2021/12,已结题,参与


(1) Song Qing-Fu, Lü Qi-Fang, Hosaka Atsushi, Bottom-charmed baryons in a nonrelativistic quark model, European Physical Journal C, 2024, 84(1): 89.

(2) Lü Qi-Fang,Nagahiro Hideko,Hosaka Atsushi,Understanding the nature of Ω(2012) in a coupled-channel approach,Physical Review D,2023, 107(1): 014025.

(3) He Hui-Zhen, Liang Wei, Lü Qi-Fang, Strong decays of the low-lying doubly bottom baryons, Physical Review D,2022, 105(1): 014010.

(4) Lü Qi-Fang, Chen Dian-Yong, Dong Yu-Bing, Santopinto Elena, Triply-heavy tetraquarks in an extended relativized quark model, Physical Review D,2021, 104(5):054026.

(5) He Hui-Zhen, Liang Wei, Lü Qi-Fang, Dong Yu-Bing, Strong decays of the low-lying bottom strange baryons,Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2021, 64(6):261012.

(6) Lü Qi-Fang, Chen Dian-Yong, Dong Yu-Bing, Open charm and bottom tetraquarks in an extended relativized quark model, Physical Review D, 2020, 102(7):074021.

(7) Lü Qi-Fang, Chen Dian-Yong, Dong Yu-Bing, Masses of fully heavy tetraquarks Q Q Qbar Qbarin an extended relativized quark model, European Physical Journal C, 2020, 80(9):871.

(8) Liang Wei, Lü Qi-Fang, The newly observed Λb(6072)0 structure and its ρ-mode nonstrange partners, European Physical Journal C, 2020, 80(8):690.

(9) Liang Wei, Lü Qi-Fang, Strong decays of the newly observed narrow Ωb structures, European Physical Journal C, 2020, 80(3):198.

(10) Lü Qi-Fang, Chen Dian-Yong, Dong Yu-Bing, Masses of doubly heavy tetraquarks TQQ in a relativized quark model, Physical Review D, 2020, 102(3):034012.

(11) Lü Qi-Fang, Canonical interpretations of the newly observed Ξc(2923)0, Ξc(2939)0, and Ξc(2965)0 resonances, European Physical Journal C, 2020, 80(10):921.

(12) Lü Qi-Fang, Zhong Xian-Hui; Strong decays of the higher excited ΛQ and ΣQ baryons, Physical Review D, 2020, 101(1):014017.

(13) Liang Wei, Lü Qi-Fang, Zhong Xian-Hui, Canonical interpretation of the newly observed Λb(6146)0 and Λb(6152)0 via strong decay behaviors, Physical Review D, 2019, 100(5):054013.

(14) Lü Qi-Fang, Xiao Li-Ye, Wang Zuo-Yun, Zhong Xian-Hui, Strong decay of Λc(2940) as a 2P state in the Λc family, European Physical Journal C, 2018, 78(7):599.

(15) Lü Qi-Fang, Wang Kai-Lei, Xiao Li-Ye, Zhong Xian-Hui, Mass spectra and radiative transitions of doubly heavy baryons in a relativized quark model, Physical Review D, 2017, 96(11):114006.

(16) Lü Qi-Fang, Huang Fei,Dong Yu-Bing, Shen Peng-Nian, Zhang Zong-Ye, Six-quark structure of d*(2380) in a chiral constituent quark model,Physical Review D, 2017, 96(1): 014036.

(17) Lü Qi-Fang, Dong Yu-Bing, Masses of open charm and bottom tetraquark states in a relativized quark model, Physical Review D,2016, 94(9):094041.

(18) Lü Qi-Fang, Pan Ting-Ting, Wang Yan-Yan, Wang En, Li De-Min, Excited bottom and bottom-strange mesons in the quark model,Physical Review D,2016, 94(7):074012.

(19) Lü Qi-Fang, Dong Yu-Bing, X(4140) , X(4274) , X(4500) , and X(4700) in the relativized quark model, Physical Review D,2016, 94(7):074007.

(20) Lü Qi-Fang, Dong Yu-Bing, Strong decay modeJ/ψ p of hidden charm pentaquark states Pc+(4380) and Pc+(4450) in ΣcD*bar molecular scenario,Physical Review D,2016, 93(7):074020.


1. 2014年博士研究生国家奖学金

2. 2015年河南省优秀毕业生。

3. 2016年河南省优秀博士学位论文。

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